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Our service

We provide raw data by disease area and data processing service according to research questions, as well as annual access licenses to each database.

1. Reporting /

Data license service

analytic service

  • Data analytics service based on research questions

Full data
access license

  • Annual access license for JMDC’s RWD

2. Analytics


  • Business intelligence tools specializing in market research and marketing

JMDC Data Mart

  • Online analysis tool with a wide range of analysis functions from development stage to post-marketing market research and safety monitoring

3. Analytics

study support

  • Total support for database research, from protocol creation to analysis

study support

  • Support for creating survey plans in post-marketing database surveys, project management and database storage

4. Consulting service

  • Consulting service that draws upon a deep understanding of data and a high level of
    expertise including machine learning

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